
Pre­pa­ra­ti­on of res­truc­tu­ring con­cepts that meet the stan­dards of IDW S 6 and IDW S 11. Pro­vi­si­on of “Chief Res­truc­tu­ring Offi­cer” (CRO) to imple­ment the res­truc­tu­ring pro­jects. Nego­tia­tor with banks, cre­dit insu­r­ers, sup­pli­ers and employee repre­sen­ta­ti­ves. Secu­ring liquidity. 


Suc­ces­si­on con­sul­ting in stra­te­gic, struc­tu­ral, orga­niza­tio­nal and finan­cial terms. Reor­ga­niza­ti­on of the com­pa­ny and a con­tem­po­ra­ry posi­tio­ning tog­e­ther with the suc­ces­sor. Moder­niza­ti­on of cor­po­ra­te controlling.

Change Management

(Mul­ti-)Pro­ject manage­ment in the con­text of ope­ra­tio­nal chan­ge pro­ces­ses based on stra­te­gic initia­ti­ves. Insti­tu­tio­na­liza­ti­on and manage­ment of impro­ve­ment teams. Time and key figu­re manage­ment. Initia­ting moti­va­ti­on and rea­di­ness for chan­ge within the company.


M&A mandates

Take­over of M&A man­da­tes eit­her
on the buyer’s side or on the seller’s side. Hand­ling of the enti­re tran­sac­tion pro­cess with the assis­tance of legal and tax spe­cia­lists coope­ra­ting with us. 

Management capacities

Pro­vi­de inte­rim manage­ment capa­ci­ty as com­mer­cial gene­ral mana­gers, sales mana­gers, Aft­er­sa­les Mana­ger or as “Chief Res­truc­tu­ring Offi­cer“ (CRO).


Search for manage­ment capa­ci­ties within the frame­work of acti­ve per­son­nel search (head­hun­ting). 


Use Cases — Our Projects

Restructure or reorganize companies.

What is it about?
Bran­ded car dea­ler­ship in crisis.

Growth and strategy.

What is it about?
Car dea­ler group on the way to the right growth strategy.

Regulate succession.

What is it about?
Major buil­ding mate­ri­als tra­ding com­pa­ny sett­les its succession.

Buy or sell companies.

What is it about?
Sale of own car dea­ler­ship to a lar­ge car dea­ler­ship group.

Change company.

What is it about?
A civil engi­nee­ring com­pa­ny with many con­s­truc­tion sites.